The Thomas and Cynthia Sculco
Research Awards
The award program, generously supported by Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sculco and presented by The Hip Society, The Knee Society, and the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF), will recognize up to six (6) top posters presented at CCJR® meeting held annually in December in Orlando, FL.
All posters must be submitted via and adhere to the stated criteria.
Each award will be in the amount of $1,500 (USD) and is intended to help offset travel expenses (i.e., airfare, hotel, ground transportation, sustenance) associated with attending CCJR® in person. Each award will be paid as a lump sum.
Recipients must be present at CCJR® to be eligible to receive the award.
Awardees will be selected by CCJR® Advisory Committee and announced at CCJR®. Award payments will be disbursed by OREF.